Friday, April 26, 2002

Late afternoon and our current hand fed baby. Just starting to eat on his own but loves to nestle on Sandy's chest.

Thursday, April 25, 2002

Five total eggs; Romeo & Juilet; layed 4/18, 20, 21, 22, 23; 25th day 5/18 for all eggs

Tuesday, April 23, 2002

On a really depressing note, when I cleaned out the nest boxes on Sunday, apparently I did not attach a nest box securely and two of the lovebirds have flown away. Thelma and Dudley are gone. It really pisses me off. Dudley was non productive but could have been, and he was a Fischer. Thelma was the female mate to Louis, which is a big loss. When I was out there, I did see Louis (yellow peach face) hanging around Goldie (another yellow peach face). It would be awesome if those two could get together and we would have all yellow babies from that pair. But time will tell.

Another Cockatiel Hatchling!!

Another one hatched today in Parker's nest box. That makes two. Hurray!!!
We also have a total of five eggs in Romeo and Juilet's nest box.

Monday, April 22, 2002

New Cockatiel Hatchling!!

We have a new baby cockatiel today. This one is in the nest box that is shared with Toby, Libby, Parker and Shelby. On May 21st I will begin hand feeding the baby! I cannot wait!!

Sunday, April 21, 2002

Romeo and Juilet have four eggs now. That makes two eggs on 04/18, one egg additional egg on 04/20 and 04/21. Any day now we should have about six cockatiel hatchlings. I will post pictures later.
I just returned from selling 12 baby lovebirds to Roland at a local Lemon Grove pet shop. He tried to swindle me. We have an agreement that he will buy my lovebirds (if he can at that certain time) for $15 a piece. He buys them when they are 4 weeks old and hand feeds them until they are weaned. He said he'd give me $13 for the 11 "normal" lovebirds and $15 for the yellow one. I told him that we had an agreement on the lovebirds for $15 a piece and he didn't have to give me extra for the yellow. In other words, I wanted my $180. Plain and simple. He tried to back up why he was giving me less by saying that if he didn't sell right after they were weaned, and didn't hold them enough they become wild again and he would have to sell at a "wild" price. Well, I have news for him. That is his problem not mine. Hire someone to come in twice a day for 1/2 hour to play with all the birds, which would keep them tame. To make a long story short, I got my $180. If he didn't stick to the agreement, I would have never sold to him again. As it is, I try not to buy any supplies from him as he is over priced.

I just finished cleaning out the lovebird nest boxes now that the babies are gone. The lovebirds yelled at me when I took their young babies out, and then I got another yelling when I cleaned each nest box. I did buy some new nesting matierial. It's grass, natural and it smells good. Roland said it is better than the wood chips. I know he only said that to make a sale, but I will try this new stuff. He said the Lady Gouldians will love it. I sure hope so... they better get going on making babies in that aviary.

Saturday, April 20, 2002

Sandy bought a Male Weaver Finch for his colors as they are my favorite colors. Orange and Black. Check him out.

Beautiful bird and we were looking forward to babies.

Then a funny thing happened..... take a look at this.

The bastard changed colors on us.

So we got him a mate... you will see her picture below.

They got real, real busy building this nest in the tall grass that we have in the aviary. I planted some sod, and let it grow, so the quail would have nesting areas, but it grew tall. No wonder they are called Weavers as they wove this nest in the tops of the tall grass.

Thursday, April 18, 2002

We have about 7 cockatiel eggs in Toby, Parker, Shelby and Libby's nest box. Oscar said that the color of the eggs looks like they will hatch any day now. I checked Romeo and Juilet's nest box and Romeo is sitting on two eggs. May 7th is the 21st day for the two new eggs.

Two Lady Gouldian eggs since April 13th.

Eight baby lovebirds will be sold tomorrow to Roland for $15 a piece and he will hand feed until they are weaned.

We also have three Society Finches in the nest by the tree in the aviary. Two of which are crested and the other one is the light brown color.

That's it for now. Precious is hungry and I'm the mommy.


Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Some finches bathing last summer.

Tuesday, April 09, 2002

Welcome to the 'Our-Birds' blog. Our intent here will be to keep a record of all of our cockatiels, lovebirds, finches and button quail. It's the spring of 2002 and the birds know it. We truely need this blog to keep track of everything. No more white boards!!! Hurray!!!

As of today, I have 11 baby lovebirds that are about 9 days to 2 weeks old. Hatched between March 25 to April 2, 2002.

We just brought in another baby cockatiel on April 8th. This baby hatched March 23, making him 4 weeks and 3 days. I will be hand feeding this one for a co-worker and her family.

We have two baby shaft tail finches. Both are male and they are about 6 weeks old, one week out of nest box.

This sure looks like a busy spring, as even the button quail are sitting on their nests!

Well that's all for now!
